guess who i get to pick up tomorrow night!!!! if you guessed HUSBAND, you're right! husband is coming home!! YAY!!! jump up and down with me and sport a big happy smile the rest of the day will ya? i'll be up super duper late tonight so that i can sleep in tomorrow morning because i am picking him up at 3:30am {ok, so that's technically wednesday morning}! i couldn't be more excited. we have so much to talk about, so much cuddling {plus many other adult things} to catch up on, and so many movies to see! i found out the exact date he would be home on friday, so i've spent the weekend preparing. The house has been cleaned exceptionally, even the garage {go me!}. the linens have been washed, the laundry is all hung up and in it's place, groceries have been purchased, and there's numerous baked yummies for him to enjoy. eating MRE's for a month has got to work up a 'real food' appetite right?
soooo, there's homemade tortilla chips, incredible 69 calorie brownie cookies, pumpkin spice muffins/cupcakes, and a rice krispie treat cake that i can't wait to stuff my face with. i sure hope husband is in the mood for junk food, because there is no way i am going to eat all of that alone. he'll have to take it to work and pass it around to those other hardworking men just coming home. other than all that goodness, i went out on a few walks, broke in my new shoes {thanks mom :o)!},drank numerous frappuccinos, found some funny packaging in the first aid kit, made smore's, and played with lots of glitter. how was your weekend??
soooo, there's homemade tortilla chips, incredible 69 calorie brownie cookies, pumpkin spice muffins/cupcakes, and a rice krispie treat cake that i can't wait to stuff my face with. i sure hope husband is in the mood for junk food, because there is no way i am going to eat all of that alone. he'll have to take it to work and pass it around to those other hardworking men just coming home. other than all that goodness, i went out on a few walks, broke in my new shoes {thanks mom :o)!},drank numerous frappuccinos, found some funny packaging in the first aid kit, made smore's, and played with lots of glitter. how was your weekend??