Sunday, June 12, 2011


after a year and a half of being apart (husband is in the army), we are finally together and moving to washington state to start our lives as newlyweds.
the kitties spent their days by the windows, basking in the warm sun. i think they knew that they wouldn't be getting any of that warm sun where we were headed...
i spent what seemed like a year packing boxes, and then packing more boxes and more. it felt as if i was living in a half packed house since husband left, i am so ready to be living with him finally.
mom. sweet sweet mom. this is the first time in my life i am leaving the family, and moving out of state. i miss them more everyday, i know they miss me too (dad calls me ALL the time, he even learned the art of text messaging :0)). lucky for me i have a wonderful husband who hugs me a lot when i am sad, i wouldn't be able to do it without him. plus i am planning to see the family soon! august maybe?

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